Education Is the Key to the Success of the Bitcoin Revolution. El Salvador Is Leading the Way.

The future large-scale success of the Bitcoin revolution depends above all on education.
Indeed, the education system is complicit in the flawed and unfixable monetary and financial system which reduces us to slavery.
Until younger generations are educated about money and economics properly, they will not be able to escape this trap. To understand why hard money like Bitcoin is essential, we must address money education from an early age.
This is precisely what El Salvador has decided to do with several initiatives in this direction.
The latest concerns that of the NGO Mi Primer Bitcoin which partnered with the Ministry of Education to train 150 teachers in schools across the country. El Salvador has obviously been criticized and threatened by Westerners, but also institutions like the IMF or the World Bank, for having chosen to implement a Bitcoin Standard.
The apocalypse was promised in El Salvador in September 2021.
Two years later, El Salvador shows that this bold choice is the right one. Everything is not perfect obviously, but things are moving in the right direction. In the same way that the Bitcoin revolution advances at its own pace block by block, the adoption of Bitcoin in El Salvador advances step by step.
By 2024, all public schools in El Salvador will teach Bitcoin and financial literacy to their students. Enough to change the future of all these young people in El Salvador who would never have had such an opportunity without the foresight of President Nayib Bukele who must once again be congratulated for having resisted Western pressure for two years.
The future belongs to Bitcoin, but also to countries like El Salvador which will choose first to embrace this unique revolution. Since smaller countries will tend to take this first step before larger ones, a global rebalancing will likely occur in the future.
An excellent thing!