Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? Make No Mistake and Vote for Bitcoin!

As expected for several months, Bitcoin has become a real political issue in the context of the American presidential election to be held in November 2024.
Donald Trump tried to make people believe he had become a Bitcoiner. He took part in the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, where he confirmed what I had thought all along: he has nothing to do with Bitcoin and was just there to place a few keywords to please pseudo-Bitcoiners (who pretended not to understand that he was confusing crypto and Bitcoin …) more interested in speculation than in the real purpose of the Bitcoin revolution.
Donald Trump took the opportunity to beg for votes, but above all to raise funds. A lot of money. As always with Donald Trump, it’s the money that counts above all else.
Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. also came to the Bitcoin Conference, where he demonstrated his real knowledge of Bitcoin. His speeches and interviews clearly showed that he had been working on the subject in depth for months. This is hardly surprising, given that he was one of the first to talk about Bitcoin over a year and a half ago.
Nevertheless, some of his ideas are far-fetched. RFK Jr., for example, wants America to buy the majority of Bitcoin in circulation.
Two questions here: with what money? America’s annual budget surplus? There isn’t any! American debt recently exceeded $35T!

So with what money?
RFK Jr. probably wants to raise more debt to buy Bitcoin every day. Was Bitcoin designed to see a country like America own the vast majority of it via printing American dollars out of thin air?
I don’t think so!
But obviously, all the pseudo-Bitcoiners present in Nashville were ultra-enthusiastic about the idea. Why? Because they’re only interested in the price of Bitcoin. Sure, such a move would send the price of Bitcoin through the roof in weak money, but is that the point of the Bitcoin revolution?
Now that Joe Biden has stepped aside in favor of Kamala Harris, some were waiting to hear what Harris’ position on Bitcoin would be. Well aware that there are votes at stake, Kamala Harris has just given some indication of her plans with Bitcoin, or rather cryptocurrency in general.
Kamala Harris was more modest than Donald Trump, saying she wanted to support policies that would allow the crypto industry to expand. All with safeguards of course…
Nothing too extraordinary, but probably enough to slightly reassure the cryptocurrency industry.
While Kamala Harris’ entry into the game has reignited suspense about the outcome of the US presidential election, many say that if Kamala Harris is elected, it will be a disaster for Bitcoin. Others say that if Donald Trump is elected, the price of Bitcoin will soar.
The point I want to make here is simple: who cares who gets elected between Kamal Harris and Donald Trump?
We’re talking about two demagogic politicians who will continue to increase America’s debt and thus impoverish the population as a whole. It can’t be any other way with this flawed and not fixable system.
Bitcoin was designed to offer people a superior alternative to the current monetary and financial system. Bitcoin is accessible to everyone, with no strings attached. Everyone can benefit from Bitcoin.
The purpose of Bitcoin is clear: to enable us to take back power and not be there waiting for the goodwill of these demagogic politicians.
Don’t worry about who will be elected and the short-term effects this will have on the price of Bitcoin. The goals of the Bitcoin revolution are long-term, and Bitcoin will continue to advance in its revolution if we keep fighting to develop a circular economy based on the Bitcoin system.
This means reacting and stopping being satisfied as BlackRock and the other financial giants continue to increase their hold on Bitcoin. Their secret plan is a takeover by getting their hands on all that Bitcoin that will never again be used to develop this circular economy based on the Bitcoin system I’m talking about.
The aim of these giants runs counter to the underlying goals of the Bitcoin revolution: to integrate Bitcoin into the current system as a simple store of value, and to financialize it to the hilt via their financial products. The very opposite of what Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin for.
The battle is not lost, but it’s time to open our eyes and take up the fight again, so as not to lose sight of the deeper meaning of the Bitcoin revolution.